Information for persons arriving from Ukraine

On this site we have summarized information available via the Swedish Migration Agency with links to their website for more information.

The security situation in Ukraine has deteriorated severely following Russia’s invasion, and many people are now leaving Ukraine and entering neighbouring countries in Europe. On this page we have gathered information we hope is useful for you who has arrived to Vindelns kommun.

Ось інформація українською Länk till annan webbplats.

Information from swedish authorities Länk till annan webbplats.

Resi­dence permits under the EU’s Tempo­rary Protec­tion Directive

To get the official resident permit you should first register and apply for a temporary residence permit under the Temporary Protection Directive at the Swedish Migration Agency. You must register and present a biometric national passport or other Ukrainian identity documents at the Swedish Migration Agency. If you have an urgent need for basic support with food and accommodation you will get this covered immediately upon application.

The Temporary Protection Directive, The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

At The Swedish Migration Agency's website you can read more about your rights after you have recieved a residence permit.

After receiving a decision on residence, The Swedish Migration Agency's webiste Länk till annan webbplats.

More information

The situation in Ukraine, The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

The Swedish Migration Agency offices in the Stockholm region, The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

Questions and answers for persons arriving from Ukraine

Welcome to Vindeln municipality

Adventure, wild and beautiful nature, classic sights, and lots of experiences. That's what you get when you live in Vindeln's municipality. Länk till annan webbplats.
Vindeln municipality is located in northern Sweden, and there are 5,500 inhabitants in the village. The nearest city is Umeå, which is 55 kilometers from Vindeln. There are several buses and trains daily to Umeå, which takes 45 minutes to travel.
Umeå has a population of just over 130,000 and there are large shopping centers such as Avion, where Ikea, among others, is located.
From Umeå, there are also several flights daily to the largest cities in Sweden; Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.
In Vindeln you also can find school, library, grocery stores, pharmacy, restaurants and health centers.

If you need help from the municipality?

The municipal office has a reception center for Ukrainian refugees. The reception center is in the municipal office's reception and has the same opening hours as the reception.
At the reception center, we can assist with information on a number of different issues such as healthcare, housing issues, school and child care or other socially important issues / services.

Reception center and reception opening hours;
Monday - Thursday, at 09.00 - 15.00
Lunch 12.00 - 13.00
Friday 09.00 - 12.00

Ukrainian refugees are also welcome to drop-in at SFI. During the drop-in, all new arrivals in the municipality have the opportunity to talk to and ask questions to staff from the social administration.
Drop in is in SFI's premises at the address Storvägen 58 on Wednesdays between 10:00 and 11:00

You can also email us at other times or if you do not have the opportunity to come to the municipal office or SFI:

How do I apply for a residence permit?

To apply for a temporary residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive, you need to register at a Swedish Migration Board service center. You need to present a biometric passport or other identity documents. You can also register online via the Swedish Migration Agency’s website.
The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

Where can I find a place to live?

If you apply for a temporary residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or apply for asylum, The Swedish Migration Agency will assist you and your family with housing.

The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

I need financial assistance – what can I do?

If you apply for a temporary residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or apply for asylum, the Swedish Migration Agency may be able to help you with financial support. You can apply for financial support at The Swedish Migration Agency.

The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

What do I do if I need to seek medical attention?

For mild illnesses, you can visit Vindeln's health center Länk till annan webbplats.. If you need emergency care, there is one of Sweden's most prominent hospitals in Umeå. In Vindeln, there is also the opportunity to meet a psychologist and maternity care.

I have my children with me – what are their rights?

You and your children should register at The Swedish Migration Agency under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or apply for asylum. The Swedish Migration Agency will assist you with housing and financial assistance if necessary. Once your children have received a residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Direction or have applied for asylum, they will be eligible to attend pre-school or school.

The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.

Can my child attend preschool, primary school, and upper secondary school?

Yes, if you live in Vindelns municipality, you can contact us. We will help you apply for preschool and school for your child. The child must have received a residence permit or applied for asylum to enroll in our preschools and schools. Vindeln municipality offers school transport to preschool students and primary school students from first to ninth grade.

Feel free to contact us and we will help you with your quetions;

Will there be a teacher at my child's school that can speak Ukrainian?

Vindelns municipality is currently investigating how many teachers speak Ukrainian. Teachers that speak Ukrainian should be able to help in schools where it is needed the most. It is unfortunately not confident that they will be available in every school. For older students, the primary language will be English.

Where do I go if I need healthcare?

If you apply for a residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or apply for asylum in Sweden you have the right to emergency healthcare and dental care.

You are also entitled to maternity care, contraceptive counseling and maternal health.

Asylum-seeking children and children with residence permits under the EU Temporary Protection Directive are entitled to the same healthcare as children living in Sweden. Healthcare for children (persons under 18 years old) is usually free.

You have the right to an interpreter when you meet healthcare professionals. Tell them you need an interpreter when you book an appointment.

More information about healthcare in Vindelns kommun Länk till annan webbplats.

I have to leave the home offered by private individuals – what happens now?

If you are waiting or have received a residence permit under the EU Temporary Protection Directive or have applied for asylum, The Swedish Migration Agency can help you find new accommodation. If you have been granted asylum you can contact the municipality where you live.

The Swedish Migration Agency's website Länk till annan webbplats.